In Love with a Mediterranean Climate: Flowers

When we went to Italy, the first thing I noticed was plants. They were everywhere! Spilling from balconies, planted in public parks, growing out of walls, on restaurant patios. Everywhere I looked,there were plants. Each week, I’m sharing a different aspect of the plants I saw in Italy. Last week it was fruit. This week, I’m sharing flowers - perfect for brightening up a gray winter day!

I'm a total sucker for flowers. When we first got to Italy, and I started taking pictures of flowers, Mike looked at me like I was a little nuts. Maybe I am. But I love having some bright, happy flowers to look at when it's cold and snowy outside, so here we go.

Cyclamen were everywhere - in front of a restaurant menu, tucked into succulent gardens...

And sitting on pedestals in lovely pots.

Then there were the roses. Ah, the roses. Like this one in front of the Murano glass factory.

And this one at a farm and winery we visited,

 And these, that graced the Roman Forum...

 There were also lots of geraniums, like this one that I almost tripped over...

Butterfly bushes...


Thanksgiving cactus...

And dahlias, like this one in a public park in Venice.

I hope these flowers brighten your January day. They've certainly brightened mine!

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