An Ode to Grilled Cheese

Nothing says comfort food like grilled cheese. To get the maximum amount of comfort-food-goodness, you need the real thing - real butter, real cheese, and good bread. 

This sandwich used about two ounces of the gluten free bread I buy at my farmer's market, a solid ounce of cheese, and half a tablespoon of butter. I don't bother trying to smear the butter on the bread anymore. It's a waste of time and I always end up with bread that's falling to pieces.

Instead, I heat a frying pan over medium heat. Then I add half the butter, and dredge the bread around in it once it melts. I do the same thing with the other piece of bread, lay down the cheese, and the other piece of buttered bread, butter side up. The first side cooks for exactly two minutes. Flip, and lower the heat a notch, and cook another two minutes.

This grilled cheese went in the toaster oven for another couple of minutes to get the cheese nice and melty. I think it also helped the butter seep deeper into the bread to keep it from being too greasy.

For me, the diagonal cut made with the spatula is essential to a good grilled cheese, but you can cut it any which way seems right to you.

I had this grilled cheese with a steaming mug of hot chocolate, which seemed just right on a rainy grumpy day. Might have been a dairy overload, but it was worth it to have so much comfort in my tummy.

What's your favorite food for rainy days?

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