Weekend Links

Ah, weekend, how I've missed you. Last weekend was spent visiting baby sheep, gardening, hiking, getting caught up on housework, and practicing the fine art of relaxation.


I'm loving this knitting graph paper notebook. I've ordered one and can't wait to get it! Also


These paisley rocks are just too cute. Excuse me while I run down to the craft store...


I love raspberries - I buy them by the bucketful in the summer, freeze them, then eat them all year long. This year, I'm thinking of growing them myself, with this as a guide.


If there's chocolate on the line, I am there. Lately, I've been cutting back on the refined sugar intake, meaning that my chocolate consumption has to get creative. I'm especially loving this chocolate butter ganache recipe - perfect for dipping things in chocolate but without adding too much sugar.  On the sweeter side of things, this chocolate pudding looks amazing.

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