Mistakes are Fine by Me

So there seems to be this huge divide between Pinterest people and anti-Pinterest people. When it first came out I was in the former category, but then migrated to somewhere in the middle. Why? At first, it was copyright issues. Then, I realized that the same couple hundred things were making their way around and around and around and around. There wasn't anything new to see. And lastly, everything on Pinterest is so darn perfect. Who actually does that? Marketers quick to jump on the newest trend.

Now, I'm not knocking all the wonderful bloggers out there who really do make gorgeous arts and crafts and take wonderful photographs to boot. But mistakes are just fine by me. 

Take this dessert. I had intended to make a variation on my coffeecake, but the changes I made turned what was supposed to be muffins into a crumbly sticky mess. No matter. Scrape as much as you can out of the pans, and pop it in the freezer. You'll find some use for it. 

Like this: toast up the ruined coffeecake, whip up some cream, and top with raspberries. Instant dessert. (I'll even admit to having this for breakfast.)

See? Mistakes can lead to good things. When I obsess over being "Pinterest-worthy," I forget that mistakes can lead to valuable creative experiences. But only if I let them. Which is why mistakes are fine by me.

Have you made a mistake that led to a great discovery? Tell me about it!

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