First Daffodil

In February, I went home to Virginia for some wedding planning. My mother's daffodils were already in full bloom. 

Then I came back to my real world. To Salt Lake City, where snow still covered every visible thing, and daffodils were still a long way off. 

You'd think I'd be happy to just see my mother's daffodils, but it was disheartening to see spring and then be dragged right back to winter. Everybody said the long wait for a Utah spring would be well worth it. I don't know about that, but I do know how glad I am to see my own daffodils starting to bloom.

I've been watching them poke up through the snow for the last couple of weeks. Finally the snow has melted. Daffodils have been blooming elsewhere in the city for a week or so now, but mine just popped into bloom yesterday. (My garden doesn't get much light...)

Believe it or not, these are the first daffodils of my very own. I've been gardening for a couple of years now, but this is the first time I've had the foresight to plant daffodils in the fall and wait for them to come to life.

I planted about 25 - what I thought was a lot for a small patch, but I find myself wishing I'd planted them all over the garden...

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